March: National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month

“During the month of March, individuals living with cerebral palsy, as well as family members and activists, come together to advocate for the cerebral palsy community. Cerebral palsy is a permanent disability that impacts a person's mobility and muscle strength.” - Cerebral Palsy Guide

In honor of National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, Photographer Robin has skillfully captured stunning images of models Chloe and Zachary. The photographs are also featured in print here as part of the Disability Awareness, aiming to raise awareness and understanding of cerebral palsy.

Photographer: Robin Ann Moore @Ar’moore Model Management
IG: @armooremodels
Model: Zachary Hanuschock @Ar'moore
IG: @modelzacharyhanuschock
Model: Chloe Rimbey @Ar'moore
IG: @modelchloerimbey
Makeup Artist: Destiny Grimm @Ar'moore Models
IG: @glamaethetics
