TWO CRAFTY CATS PHOTOGRAPHY INTERVIEW: I love photography because it's a great outlet for my creativity. I love to have a crazy idea and bring it to life in photos.

Swanky Magazine Interviews the wonderfully talented photographer - Two Crafty Cats Photography

PHOTOGRAPHER SPOTLIGHT | Two Crafty Cats Photography from Savannah, Georgia

Q1.Swanky Mag: Hello Two Crafty Cats Photography, Can you introduce yourself to Swanky Magazine's readers? Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Tera Jones. I have lived in Savannah, Georgia for the past 11 years with my 2 boys and Husband John. When I'm not taking photos I enjoy kayaking, the beach, hanging out with friends, and classes at the gym. You will often see my husband carrying all my equipment and being my biggest supporter. Once in a while, I can even get my kids to participate in photos.

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography    IG: @twocraftycatsgaModel: Ysidra Keffer    IG: @y_seeds

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography

IG: @twocraftycatsga

Model: Ysidra Keffer

IG: @y_seeds

Q2: How and when did you get into photography?

I have always taken photos of my boys and our travels. Friends started asking me to take family photos and I realized I really enjoyed it. I have been learning more and continuing to improve in the last 7 years.

Q3. What does photography mean to you?

I love photography because it's a great outlet for my creativity. I love to have a crazy idea and bring it to life in photos. I also get to meet a lot of great people and help them make memories. I feel like this is what I was meant to do.

Q4. Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

My style is the crazier the better. My preferred photography style is creative (the family, couple shoots pay for my creative ones)
I once covered a friend's face in google eyes, I hung a model from the ceiling of a meatpacking plant, I've designed and created dresses out of trash, nothing is too crazy for me.

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography    IG: @twocraftycatsgaModel: Ysidra Keffer    IG: @y_seeds

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography

IG: @twocraftycatsga

Model: Ysidra Keffer

IG: @y_seeds

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography    IG: @twocraftycatsgaModel: Ysidra Keffer    IG: @y_seeds

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography

IG: @twocraftycatsga

Model: Ysidra Keffer

IG: @y_seeds

Q5. Where do you get inspiration from?

Everything around me gives me inspiration, a dress from a store, a prop, everyday items, and things in my environment.

Q6. Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?

I do plan out my creative photos, but I'm also flexible to make changes and go with the flow while shooting. I just like to have a plan in place going in. My shoots are a collaboration with me and the models, I welcome their visions and ideas.

Q7.Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I think at this point I consider myself a professional, but that doesn't mean I know everything. I'm always learning and improving and evolving in my art. I just sometimes get paid to do it.

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography    IG: @twocraftycatsgaModel: Ysidra Keffer    IG: @y_seeds

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography

IG: @twocraftycatsga

Model: Ysidra Keffer

IG: @y_seeds

Q8. What has been your most memorable session and why?

I think my very first styled shoot with models was my most memorable. It was an anti-bullying theme. I wrote negative words on the models. I didn't realize how hard that would be for me to do, to actually put labels on people. It made me feel horrible... When we wiped them off and took happy photos, one girl was very timid and nervous. Once the other models started to encourage her and give her praise, you saw a HUGE change in her. She was smiling and having fun and the photos turned out great. It was a big difference in attitude with just a little encouragement and kind words. While certainly not my best photos, that shoot has always stuck with me.

Q9. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

Canon since the beginning. I started with the 5ti and now I shoot with the mirrorless RP. My most used lens is a 35 to 70 mm. It gives me great versatility and I'm able to shoot without changing lenses much.

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography    IG: @twocraftycatsgaModel: Ysidra Keffer    IG: @y_seeds

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography

IG: @twocraftycatsga

Model: Ysidra Keffer

IG: @y_seeds

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography    IG: @twocraftycatsgaModel: Ysidra Keffer    IG: @y_seeds

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography

IG: @twocraftycatsga

Model: Ysidra Keffer

IG: @y_seeds

Q10. What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

You're not going to get rich. People undervalue what we do and don't understand the time and money we invest. Do it because you love it and don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough. Everyone starts somewhere, the key is to always keep improving and learning.

Q11. What do you think of our new magazine?

I love that you are celebrating photography and feature photos to inspire people and showcase their talents. A lot of work goes into styled shoots and it's always nice to be recognized for a job well done.

Follow Two Crafty Cats Photography Journey:

IG: @ TwoCraftyCatsGA

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography    IG: @twocraftycatsgaModel: Ysidra Keffer    IG: @y_seeds

Photographer: Two Crafty Cats Photography

IG: @twocraftycatsga

Model: Ysidra Keffer

IG: @y_seeds

sally morris