GRÉGORY PIGOUCHE: For me, photography represents my vision of things and allows me to express myself and give free rein to my imagination.

Swanky Magazine Interviews talented photographer - Grégory Pigouche


Q1.Swanky Mag: Hello Grégory, Can you introduce yourself to Swanky Magazine's readers? Can you tell us a little about you?

Hello, so to introduce myself quickly my name is Grégory, I am 33 years old, the father of a 5-year-old boy, I live in Franc, and I am a self-taught photographer.

Q2. How and when did you get into photography?

I have always been drawn to photography, but buying a case was quite difficult for me financially.
in 2010, I enlisted in the French army, and to immortalize my experience I decided to break the bank to buy myself my first digital reflex camera and that's how I started photography. having no knowledge I learned by modifying the settings and seeing the results, suddenly my beginnings were photos of landscapes or photos taken on the spot, then little by little I started to watch tutorials to learn retouching on software such as lightroom and photoshop, then I launched into collaborations with models from my region.

Photo: @gouchpi_photographieModel: @aizinevVia @officialkavyar

Photo: @gouchpi_photographie

Model: @aizinev

Via @officialkavyar

Photo: @gouchpi_photographieModel: @mlle_petrouchkaVia @officialkavyar

Photo: @gouchpi_photographie

Model: @mlle_petrouchka

Via @officialkavyar

Q3.What does photography mean to you?

For me, photography represents my vision of things and allows me to express myself and give free rein to my imagination.

Q4.Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I don't have a precise style because I discover my tastes and learn each time I take pictures.

Q5.Where do you get inspiration from?

Sometimes in my dreams, sometimes inspirations from other artists, or sometimes it comes in the middle of a shoot depending on the model or location ...

Photo: @gouchpi_photographieModel: @cynthou1lleVia @officialkavyar

Photo: @gouchpi_photographie

Model: @cynthou1lle

Via @officialkavyar

Q6. I often have the finished and retouched image even before taking a picture.

I often have the finished and retouched image even before taking a picture.

Q7.Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

To be completely honest I am between the two 😁 that is to say too experienced to be an amateur and not set up my business to consider myself a professional strictly speaking.

Photo: @gouchpi_photographieModel: @aizinevVia @officialkavyar

Photo: @gouchpi_photographie

Model: @aizinev

Via @officialkavyar

Q8. What has been your most memorable session, and why?

A session with a model named Morgane who, without knowing it, showed me what I wanted (motivation, determination, passion, desire, models who are looking for ideas, who have projects ...) but especially what I did not want ... (people who do not know what they want, who want to do anything and everything, who take pictures to take pictures without any real bit behind, who arrive with 1 hour late or more or who do not come ...) if I had to choose one it would be this one after in general, each session is memorable.

Q9. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

Q9. Nikon Nikon Nikon 🤣🤣🤣 I started with a Nikon D60 then a D5200 and ended up with a full-frame ... a Nikon D750. As for the lenses, I work with a 24-70mm f2.8 from Nikon
and an 85mm f1.8 I'll let you guess the brand 😁

Q10. What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

To take pleasure in doing what he does and that through his photographs, to discover his vision of things.

Photo: @gouchpi_photographieModel: @aizinevVia @officialkavyar

Photo: @gouchpi_photographie

Model: @aizinev

Via @officialkavyar